Horizon Discovery/Revvity

Horizon Discovery Group plc, a UK headquartered global life science company, is a world leader in gene editing and gene modulation.

Horizon Discovery Group plc, a UK headquartered global life science company, is a world leader in gene editing and gene modulation.

Through the application of these technologies the Company enables researchers to alter almost any gene or modulate its function in human or mammalian cells to generate models that mimic the genetic abnormalities found in diseases such as cancer. Horizon offers a catalogue of over 1,000,000 cell and reagent products, which along with related research services, support a greater understanding of the function of genes across all species and the genetic drivers of disease, and the development of personalised molecular, cell and gene therapies. These have been adopted by over 10,000 academic, drug discovery, drug manufacturing and clinical diagnostics customers around the globe, and are used in the Company’s own R&D pipeline.

Horizon is headquartered in Cambridge, UK, and is listed on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM market under the ticker “HZD”. www.horizondiscovery.com

Products and services

Clinical Diagnostics

HDx - reference standards

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Drug Discovery

Services business

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